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Tuition & Fees PDF  | Print |  E-mail
In order to better fulfill the mission of the program, it is the intention of the NYDS leadership to keep students’ costs for the three Master's-level Programs very affordable. The most direct method is to keep the actual tuition rates low. In addition, grant and scholarship resources are being developed—based upon the encouragement and investment by Churches and Donors, as well as the students’ individual needs and achievement merit—to bring students’ net tuition and fees costs lower yet.

One plan is to have a “Church and Seminary Matching Grant,” consistent with the Bible’s emphasis on the Church’s own role in the development of Church ministry leadership. NYDS will be an active partner with Churches and ministries investing in the ministry-training experience of men and women, whether they are attending part-time or full-time. When a Church, denomination, or ministry invests in a student’s tuition, NYDS will match that grant dollar for dollar, up to 25% of tuition. Other scholarships and grants will be based upon particular students’ demonstrated financial needs in a fair and equitable procedure, and in complete accordance with state and federal regulations. Additional scholarships and grants may be based upon student-excellence in completing course assignments.

Regular tuition, per term, per academic hour
Audit (off-the-record) Tuition, per term, per academic hour
Application Fee (one time only)
Early Registration Fee (each term) - and Change-of-course Fee
  Registration Fee (once each term)                                                                                         $30.00
Tuition refunds are given only during the first two weeks of classes, if a student officially withdraws from a class. The student must complete a course withdraw slip in the Office of the Registrar--or send a clear email to   A 100% refund is given if a withdrawal notice is received at the first class or during the six (6) days after.  A 50% refund is given if a withdrawal notice is received at that second class or during the six (6) days after.  No refunds are given at or after the third class.
For further information, please contact the NYDS office at 646-395-0008










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