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NYDS Governing Board


Wiley Mullins: the founder and President of Uncle Wiley’s (www.unclewileys.com), a nationally distributed line of specialty foods, and with decades of marketing experience in the food industry.  Mr. Mullins has also been active with Democratic Party leadership in Connecticut.  He completed his MBA at Duke University.  [Evangelical Covenant, African-American in Connecticut]

Kittim Silva:  Pastor of Iglesia de Jesucristo de Queens, and former President of Radio Visión Cristiana, a powerful Hispanic Christian radio station that serves the New York area and parts of Latin America; author of forty books; leading Hispanic theologian; conference speaker.  [Pentecostal, Puerto Rican-American in Queens]

Joel Tucciarone: a marketing and managing consultant in lower Manhattan; active Christian lay-leader in the City and in other parts of America.  [Charismatic, Italian-American in Manhattan]

Paul de Vries, Ph.D:  President of NYDS; itinerant minister; researcher; educator with twenty years’ experience in higher education administration; published author, Ph.D. from University of Virginia.  Dr. de Vries serves also on the governing board of the National Association of Evangelicals.  [Baptist and Pentecostal, Dutch/Hispanic-American in Manhattan]

Bettye Watford-Bogan:  Counselor in the New York Public Schools; Assistant to the Pastor at Greater Restoration Baptist Church in Brooklyn; Coordinator of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of the Northeast; student in NYDS programs.  [Baptist, African-American in Brooklyn]



The Advisory Board

  • Frank Blackshear, D.Min., pastor  
  • Alex Collado, President of Fine Fair Supermarkets in the Bronx
  • Hon. Randolph Jackson, Justice of the Supreme Court of New York in Brooklyn
  • Robert Johansson, Senior Pastor of Evangel Church in Queens
  • Joseph Kenner, insurance analyst
  • Court Newton, public relations specialist
  • Phillius Nicholas, pastor of Evangelical Crusade in Brooklyn
  • James O'Bryon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, computer consultant
  • Luciano Padilla, Senior Pastor of Bay Ridge Christian Center
  • David Soonoh Park, Presbyterian Pastor in Taegu, Korea
  • Charles Stetson, Jr., venture capital investment specialist and Chairman of the National Bible Association
  • Tony Wong, founder and president of Wong Accounting.
Additional Christian leaders serve in informal advisory capacities.



Copyright ©2002-2024 New York Evangelical Seminary Fund, Inc. All rights reserved. Photography by Hexel Hernando and Tor de Vries.
Web design by Tor de Vries., with web hosting provided by Arrow Bay Internet Services.